Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Sick and sore, but powering through

Been sick for the last week, stressed out from stuff due...

But thought i'd post this.

These are what i'd like to aim for in animation style and quality but... i'm not sure how 'viable' it is for me.

Maybe one day 

Character design akin to 
The hybridisation of Japanese Anime with western designs speaks volumes to me.
When I first saw the character designs for batman in Justice League War, and Son of Batman, batman to me finally felt badass again.

Though looking at these I feel i'm at a falsehood.... these films take millions to make with huge teams and over years with experts.... I look at my own work and get frustrated when the very lines refuse to follow my hand. The subtly amazes me.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Grafted Malice Screenplay v2- In progress.


The above link goes to my inprogress screenplay. Pasting it here loses ALL the formatting, looks horrid >..<

The Story of Film - An Odyssey, Episode 1

The emotion that pours from the exceprt from The Wind (1928) in The Story of Film: An Odyssey is almost overwhelming. Very moving and shows how beautiful emotion can be if you subtly expand on it with the scene.

Amazing Photos of Waves, palette and design inspiration

Browsing imgur, I came across these beautiful photos. The opaque see through of the waves is beautiful, and gives me a few ideas if I digitally paint waves.

Source: http://www.fubiz.net/2015/03/20/majestic-waves-photography/

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Monday, 16 March 2015

Character Progression: Titus Eirenheart

Intitial Outline
Unfortunately I lost sketch I did of the mechanical arm when I decided to move on to a wooden one.

Planning out the clothes

Mostly finished line art

Sunday, 15 March 2015

First Draft, Script Outline, BDM125 - Grafted in Malice

“Grafted in malice”
Glenn Fredric

46 Mary St, Richmond
Invercargill, New Zealand 9810



A silhouette hobbles down the street, one armed and on a crutch, he walks as if on the points on unsteady stilts. He stops at a notice board, then stutters back into a small puddle.


Fade to visions of a woman in a green dress having her throat cut, arm reaching out, then looking towards the boat side where a burly man hold a young woman. She’s dropped into the water. The camera charges forwards, arms come from out of scene and they dive in to the water after the falling woman.

Sharks, stabbing, being bitten, fades to red.


The man grimaces as he remembers the pain of the wounds. Then stabs the board, and hobbles away.
A commoner runs to the board, we see a series of wanted posters on the board, the dagger sticks from the face of the one dubbed “Amryn Blacktooth”. Around the hilt, a piece of delicate green cloth hangs and sways in the wind.


The door slams open, young woman sits at her table in the center of the shop. Wooden limbs everywhere in the workshop, a bunny in her hands, green light seeps from her fingertips. They argue. Titus wants his daughter Cassandra to be ready, they finally have a path to vengeance for her mother, and Cassandra feels she needs another week. Titus states she has till morning. The rabbit jumps from her hands and out the door. He smiles and gently closes the door and walks away.


Titus is talking with the port master, signing release of his ship. Titus asks about crew, port master shows his ship is covered in crew.
Oraf’r Snofl’son walks towards him on the gangways, a hilt forward facing in his hands with a delicate piece of green cloth wrapped around it. Titus smiles as Oraf’r pats him on the back, and asks when they leave. Titus lets him know in the morning. Oraf’r rallies the crew. And Titus walks away with a strong stride in his hobble.


Sails billow and the ship pulls from dock, long shot.


Titus lies on a lounger, his stubs showing crutches at his side. They are in argument, he wants it now, she doesn’t have the power to have the limbs last long enough without a power source. He demands it. She touches her arm, closes her eyes, light emits from behind her lids and it runs down her veins into her fingers then into his limbs and from the stubs the plant like limbs grow.
Cut to outside of ship, screams, storm starts to brew.


Rain pouring down, woman with glowing eyes yells. Titan paces out on his crutch, water pouring over him from the poopdeck above. Look to the water and see an eerily white ship, with red seeping through. Be it algae or blood, indeterminate. He rallies the troops. Titus falters as the waves bash the side of the ship and slips. His lieutenants try to make orders to stay at range or to retreat, he stands, refusing, lily will have vengeance this day. He nods to the female, Fraga, with the glowing eyes, a star born conjuror, and she closes her eyes and claps her hands together. A rumble comes from the heavens and molten meteor falls from the sky. Titus grips to the railing. A black light fills the sky then disappears, the meteor breaks in two then explodes, its embers burn through the white ship’s sails and it slows in the stormy water. The woman apologizes for missing, he reassures her they shall fight face to face. The white ship heads into the shoals and cragged shore of the isle. The Onyxian follows.


The ONYXIAN SKYFALL catches up to the WHITE SHIP bare they unload their cannons in to ship. The black light fills the area again and then disappears, the cannon balls ripped to pieces. A shirtless man with a black amulet and black scythe stands on the white ship’s railings, a smirk in his eyes. Fraga engages him. A blood golem jumps from the white ship to the Onyxian, aiming for Titus at the helm. Oraf’r transforms into his ice bound form and intercept tackles it to the deck, their fight ensues.
As men and lieutenants fight it out, swinging from ship to ship, Titus notices a figure swing to an outcrop of rocks below, bandaged, with his one orange glowing eye and his pirate captain hat, Titus sees Amyrn Blacktooth. Cassandra tells him to stay and that it isn’t worth it, Titus grabs the rope with his good arm, his cutlass equipped, fingers intertwined with the remnants of lily’s dress and swings to the rocks below.


The two face each other off, Titus and Amryn. Titus standing a full head above Amryn, but hunched on his crutch. He pushes the crutch away, stands unsurely on his new limb and raises his blade. They fight, Titus does well, his strength immense, but slips on the wet rocks. Amryn sees his opportunity and with Titus’ own sword he stabs it into the new arm. Titus writhes in pain, Amryn kicks Titus in the head, hard, knocking him out. Titus slowly slips into the unruly water along the cragged rocks, caught on the roughness of the shale. In his semi-lucidity he looks up into the sky and sees above him, his daughter, being held by the same blood golem that rushed him before. The golem reverts to a human form and taunts his capture of Cassandra in a low born tongue. “Not again”, the voice of lily plays in his head. Titus chants it, his consciousness returning and the blood in his body starting to glow. As the blood gets to his new limbs the veins in the limbs start to light into flames, he stands. Pulls his sword from his arm. He yells the chant “NOT AGAIN” and launches himself into the air to the white ship.


Titus lands with a cracking thud on the ship deck, steeping the landing with his burning leg in a kneeled position. The scythe wielder, holds Fraga by the collar near the mast, battered and bruised. He drops her, seeing the opportunity for greatness and the area starts to fill with black. In an instant Titus leaps towards him, grabbing the amulet and smashing it into the scythe warrior’s face, and pushing through until his head was one with the mast. His body falls limp.
The golem changes to his blood form and charges Titus with confidence, Titus rolls towards the golem, picks up the scythe during the roll and slices the golem in two in the follow through. The Golem reverts to its human form, split in half.
The captain doors open under the poop deck, and with Cassandra in his cuff, he head hung low has he drags her, asking what the hell the commotion is. With this slight of an opportunity Titus charges forward off his living wood leg and rams his living wood arm into the chest of Amryn, wrapping his hand around Amryn’s unloving heart. Amyrn smiles uneasily, “I cannot die”. “Lilly demands otherwise!”, flames spout from Titus’ eyes and the flames rush down his veins into his living arm, the living arm explodes in flame and Titus rips out Blacktooth’s heart. Now a blackened ember, he crushes it to ashes and Amryn falls forwards onto the deck, shattering like ice into ashes.


Rain pouring down, the blood pouring off Titus as he sits with Cassandra in his arms. He looks up to the sky and smiles as Cassandra’s arms tighten around him as she regains consciousness.
Zoom to distance, the mast the scythe wielder’s head was smashed in to falls over. And the Onyxian fires a volley into the white ship as they sail away.


The End

I love this art palette

The video speaks for itself. In my colour palette template that I collected for my photoshop class, I used so many colours from the ORI art. This contrasting but delicate art palette is the level of surrealism I want to aim for one day.

The palette that inspires me from images that I like found on Art Station

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Grafted Malice: Treatment (in progress revision)

Grafted Malice

Log Line: In vengance for his wife and his body, Titus the corsair puts to course his ship and crew to, once and for all, put down the dread pirate Amryn Blacktooth.

Core Characters

Titus Eirenheart: Captain of the privateer vessel Onyxian Skyfall.  Amryn Blacktooth took his wife's life and forced Titus to either sacrifice his daughter or himself to the chummed depths.

Titus, or known commonly by his crew as Titan, is an orphan, the lone survivor taken on by captain Torlu'ald of the royal navy when on a patrol the HMS Esemeralda come upon the Eirenheart in flames.

Titus is part of blood ragers. Sorcerers that take their power from their ancient blood that activates during extreme emotion.

Lily Eirenheart: The wife of Titus, taken by Amryn Blacktooth under cover of the HMS Whitehall burning down and Titus jumping off the ship to save his daughter, assumed dead protagonists.

A halfblood-feyblood, sorcerers that pull their power from ley lines and gaia. Lily's power is artistic at most.

Cassandra Eirenheart: Daughter of Titus and Lilly, Stubborn as her father, but as artistic and gifted as her mother, with her father's ancient blood enhancing her fey abilities. (possible counter to the blood magic of blacktooth's body guard?)

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

At the start of last year, I had no idea what I wanted to do.

Then along came Vaughn's 3D class and a series called "the Next Greatest Starship" by the people who are currently making Star Citizen, the biggest funded and highest detailed game for their scope in pretty much ever. Tthe above video is all in game, the final game (without expansions) is stated to be over 100gb.

Linked below is the playlist of the entire thing, it's hours upon hours long but for me, it's why I thought 3D stuff might actually be a viable thing.

 I never got to do art in high-school, and since then my drawings fell through, even though I still kept loving drawing with words in excerpts and back stories for my characters or lore about the worlds I imagined. My graphics teacher (after being told i had to do physics instead of art I was made to take graphics) used to sleep at his desk and refuse to help anyone who needed help, gave us a list of stuff to do at age 14-17 at told us to do it, just wasn't viable for any sort of learning, so as others and friends surpassed me I gave up at a hope of using visuals in my head, breaking things into how they'd work logically, at resolved to doing stuff I was good at, computer science / coding (which works the same way but with pure logic rather than visuals).

But then Vaughn's class and Starcitizen came along (I'd always wanted to work in the game industry somehow) and made me hope that maybe one day I could leave an impact on people and have them be like 'caww, that design is amazing' to something I made, and slowly my drawings evolve. Even though I get severely frustrated at not being able to jott down the literal visions in my head, I'm appreciative of the opportunity provided by Rachael and Kathryn of the SIT Downtime Visual Arts / Digital Media, and giving me a chance to learn.

So thank you for opening my world.

Edit: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVct2QDhDrB0QRjv9oN02f8mGsml8tcK9 <-- a link to all the commercials, in fiction, for the ships they make, Akin to advertising a truck or a car. Almost short films in themselves.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

More story stuff : Paraphrased

Working Title:  Forged in Blood

Log Line: Finally able to sail the seas once more, Titus stakes his vengeance on the pirate that took his wife and ruined his life.

Act 1

Stills / montage of backstory

Amryn Blacktooth has been sighted and the penny on his head is plentiful

About to hold recruitment, goes down to ship to check it's condition in dry dock, crew already there.

Set sail!

Act 2

Fight, stuff goes down, daughter taken again, PTSD, titus gets wrecked by Blacktooth

Act 3

Titus demands , guide me in vengeance against this beast. Gets bestowed with pew pews. Wrecks Blacktooth, Daughter seemingly dead in arms in rain, BUT DUN DUN DUN, finger movement.

To be reviewed

I absolutely loved this film, even though it doesn't keep completely true to the original source content, it's full of fun, way over the top and an awesome badass female lead. And the connections between the animation that keeps popping in to the story and her the sillyness of the lead, so fun.

An awesome indepth look into the making of the film.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

STUB - Old Ironheart Story Beat Sheet

Project Title: Iron Heart
Genre: Action Drama
Date: 4/03/2015

Opening image: Stills of blowing up pirate ship. crossing to a summer sale on the ocean, Titus with his family.

Theme Stated: Coming of Age - father / daughter

Setup: Scene of titus with his wife, his daugheter running into his arms, summer holiday sail in the bay. But a sleak fast black sailed is fast apporaching out of view.

Catalyst: Pirate rivals scale the ship and ambush Titus and his family.

Debate: Frozen, his soulmate in the clutches of those who want revenge, blade to neck, water chummed with his daughter hanging from hand. A lookout sees the Esmeralda changing course and approaching, turning push to shove and the blade turning red. As soon as his wife's blood touches the ground he snaps out of his fear locked trance and charges, the lacky drops his daughter but quickly following titus slams into the two of them, shoulder locking with muscle winding them as they all fly over the edge into the chummed waters, taking the blade from the drowing lacky he then swims to his daughter, who is being circled by sinister fins as she flails in the water.

Pirate captain swims to the ship and cackles.

Act 3,

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Amazing transformative properties of honey in photography [NSFW - Artistic Nudity]

Browsing around the internet, found this

I was amazed at the effect that something as ordinary as honey can lead to people appearing as statues, frozen in amber, It's an amazing effect and I feel would be excellent reference to drawing some kinds of statues or the like in my own personal fantasy world.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

BDM105 / 126 Character Chart

Character's Full Name: Titus Eirenheart

Reason or meaning of name: Eirenheart, the ship wreck that he was found on.

Nickname: Titan

Reason for nickname: Him being a 'hulk' of a man.

Birthdate: 1789

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Physical Appearance

Age: 24

How old does he appear? 28

Eye Colour: Blue rims, orange core.

Weight: 180-200lb

Height: 6'4"

Type of body/build: Solid

Skin tone / type: British, light evidence of burn scars.

Shape of face: Bulky/long strong face

Distinguishing marks: Scar on right side of face, burn marks up left side of body, scars from defending his daughter from the sharks over most of his body.

Predominant feature: Wide shoulders & stout chin

Hair Colour: Hazel / Red / light stained streaks

Type of hair: Thick

Character's typical hairstyle: Side-swept, close cut on the side left of his head (ear area, not top), swept and oiled to the right.

Favorite music: Shanty / bar songs / folk balads

Food: Home cooked meals, comfort food.

Favorite books: Nautical adventures, Jason and the Argonauts.

Mode of transport: Crutches, boat

Daredevil or cautious?: Daredevil when it is about protecting his family or crew. When alone he looks after himself alot less, and is more reckless.


Smokes: Yes, wormwood, when soothing the nerves during times of anxiety or in the 
wake of an event or death.

Drinks: Yes, whiskey, enough to cleanse the palette or wipe away bad memories.

Hobbies: Fishing, Sailing, Whittling

How does the character spend a rainy day? Playing cards & token games with his crew or family, whittling, smoking his wormwood.


Hometown: the King's Navy Battleship Esmeralda (never had a home on land in his childhood that he can remember)

Type of childhood: Cabin Boy - Stowaway / Orphan of the captain of the ship named the Eirenheart.

First memory: Captain of the Eirenheart, his father, letting Titus hold the wheel as his father talked business at the back of the poop deck.

Most important childhood event that still affects him: Last survivor of the Eirenheart
Was exploring the bulk heads when it came under attack, surviving only by trapped air for hours, he was found by the crew of the Esmeralda looking for survivors.

Education: Trained to read and write as to be of use to the captain, as well as nautical math and engineering and of course maintenance and correct use of the ship.

Religion: Pagan?

Finances: Wealthy from being a privateer through owning his own ship.


Mother: Tilda Avron, Mother / Orphaned / Presumed Dead

Father: James Avron, Father / Orphaned / Confirmed Dead

Proxy Father: Richard 'Dick' Torlu'ald, Effective father after having lost his own son to Polio recently, Officially Retired, Non Officially pirating the high seas.

No siblings.


Does character have children? Yes

How many? 1
How does the character relate to his child? Lovingly, protective, control complex.

What is this character's favourite memory of his child?

Her working out how to undo a bolt-nut through leverage without him having to tell her.

What is the characters least favourite memory of his child?

Seeing her submerge into the chummed waters.

Is the relationship important to the character?

Yes, his last tie to his beloved wife.


Where does the Character work? Captain of the Pirate Ship, Onyxian Starfall.

For how long? 4 years

How does he feel about his co-workers: Like family for the most part

Get along with his co-workers: Yes

Like his job? Yes

Characters dream job: King of the Cragged Sea


Character's greatest fear: Losing his family

Why? He lost his parents one already, he doesn't want to ever let that happen to his family.

What is the worst thing that could happen to him? Lose this daughter

What single event would most throw the character's life in complete turmoil? Watching his daughter lose her life in front of him, chained and trapped, never to see the sea again or see his wife's grave. 

Character is at most ease when: Feeling the sea air's calm breeze rushing through his hair, at the tip of the mast on the open sea.

Most ill at ease when: Unable to sea, or hear the ocean, smell it's salt laden air or even able to see the sky.

Priorities: Family > Crew > Honour > Ship > Money

Philosophy: The sea is my cradle, my land and my mountains.

How he feels about himself: Strong and always in control, able to be relied upon.

Past failure he would be embarrassed to have people know about.
He didn't see the pirates that took his wife in time.
If granted one wish, what would it be? To have his family back at any cost.


Greatest source of strength in character's personality. His feelings for his family and crew.

Greatest source of weakness in character's personality: Stubborn, self-reliant to a fault, bull-headed.

Character's soft spot: His daughter
Is this obvious to others? Yes
How does the character hide it? Attempts to hide any notion of having a daughter or family.

Biggest vulnerability: His daughter

Which of the 7 deadly sins does your character fight (or give into, willingly or not)?
Lust, Greed, Wrath, Pride

Which of the 7 virtues does your character have
Diligence, Patience, Kindness, (Humility?)

Optimist or pessimist? Optimist
As long as he has his family, he'll be alright.

Introvert or extrovert. Introvert around strangers, but reverts to being an extrovert when he has authority and control of the situation.
Why? He has a hard time trusting people because of his young child life, and so when he has authority he doesn't need to trust them as much as they need to hope they don't make him mad.

Drives and motivations: Power, money, success, reputation, family

Extremely skilled at: Ship 'stuff', cannon / siege weapons, pistols, bladed weapons, swimming, holding breath.

Extremely unskilled at: Riding, having to rely on others.

Good characteristics: Honourable, Strong, Diligent, Cautious

Character flaws: Inpatient, mistrusting, wrathful

Mannerisms: Tends to get lost staring into the distance. Runs his hand throw his hair when thinking about things. Plays with his pipe when bored.

Peculiarities: Tends to walk with a limp even when fully-able. Prefers being in areas of a tall elevation.

Biggest regret: Not being able to defend his family successfully.

Minor regrets: Not being able to remember his parents or ship, or even his last name better.

Biggest accomplishment: Becoming a fully functioning corsair captain at age 20.

Minor accomplishment: Able to beat everyone in an arm wrestle or bar game (knife throwing etc) when he puts his mind to it.

Character's darkest secret:
He froze when he saw his wife in danger, his world effectively shattering around him. Only the pirates taking her life caused him to spring into action. Too late.
Does anyone else know? His proxy father, Richard. The one ship captain that thought something was wrong with Titus's ship when they were boarded.
Titus confided in him.

Self Perception:

One word character would use to describe self: Broken.

One paragraph description of how character would describe self: Conflicted and broken, once a reliable and strong titan of a man, now destitute, an invalid,  and laden with despair for what once was.

What does character consider best physical characteristic: His sharp eyesight, though they failed him that fateful day.

What does the character consider worst physical characteristic: His broken body, having been mauled by the sharks in the chummed water, losing his left arm and both legs, now useless.

They are realistic assessments.

How character thinks others perceive him: A useless invalid, that had so much promise, but threw it all away for a Sunday cruise.

1. Having had been able to safe his wife.
2. A working body.
3. Patience
4. Wisdom

If change #1 was made, would character be as happy as he thinks?

No, because being able to kill pirates and defend family to any level wouldn't change the fact that he can't go back in time.

Interrelation with others

How does character relate to others: Well, he understands hardships and success and trials, as he has been, at least to what he sees, through it all.

How is he perceived by..
Strangers?: Scary and ill-kept, weird and unnatural with so many missing limbs, perhaps a war veteran?

Friends?: A broken man, that is still ever strong raising his daughter, a legend in the flesh that once was.

Wife?: Soul mate, though she is now dead.

What do family friends like most about character? Strong minded, compassionate, intelligent, wise.

What do family friends like least about character? Control-freak, overbearing, distrustful, be-littler, kind of a drag.

Immediate life goals: Keep his daughter safe and fed.

Long range life goals: One day sail on the sea again, see his daughter become a success in what ever she wants to do in her life.

How does he plan to accomplish goals? 
          He does not know how, perhaps as a passenger one day.
          By supporting her, providing for her and looking after her every need that he can to the best of his ability.

How will other people around character be affected? His daughter appreciates though with a sour taste in her mouth, the over-protective nature of his pushing of her for success. 
His friends (old crew mates) smile at the thought of Titus still pushing on.

Problems / Crisis

How character reacts in a crisis.
Normally with a steady mind and a devil-may-care, though calculated, attitude.

How character faces problems:
Head on, no fooling around

Kinds of problems the character usually runs into: Every day life, motor skills, those looking down on him, looking after his daughter when she isn't in their residence.

How character reacts to NEW problems: With frustration.

How character reacts to change: Takes it on, until it overwhelms him.


Favourite clothing: The garb he earned working in the king's navy.
Why? Reminds him of better days and working along side his proxy father.

Least favourite clothing:
Anything that reminds him of his disabled situation.

Jewelry: His wife's ring around his neck.
Other accessories: Eye patch over right eye.

Drives: Power, Reputation, Honour, Glory, Family

Where does character live? A small run down but well built villa near the coast, close to the port capitol.

Where does character want to live? On the sea.

Spending habits?: Frugal, but anything for his daughter he will eventually pay for. He dislikes paying for people to look after the house for him.

What does he do too much of? Smoking wormwood.

Too little of? Listening.

Most prized possession: The Onyxian Starfall, in dry dock at a 'hidden' location.

Play personal instrument?
Plays the violin, badly. Knows only out of tune sea tunes.

Person character was most influenced by: His proxy father Richard.

Most important person in character's life before story starts:

Wife, she turned him from untamed beast to a respectable man, a man worthy of captain.

Source: http://www.eclectics.com/articles/character.html

BDM105 - Story Worksheet

The following is from a sheet to help us flush out our story.

Working title: Iron Heart

Log Line:

A successful corsair, Titus loses his wife and sacrifices most of his body, he now has to raise his daughter through learning how to rely and trust in others rather than just himself. 

What is your genre?

Action Drama

Who is your protagonist?

Titus Eirenheart

What is their goal? Does he achieve their goal by the end of the story?

His ultimate goal is to be a good dad, providing a good upbringing for his daughter

Why must he achieve this goal?

Without his wife, his daughter is all he has, and he wants to see his daughter become the amazing engineer that she could be.

Who is the antagonist?

His situation / his disabilities

What is the antagonist goal? Does he achieve their goal by the end of the story?

To stop him from being a good dad and living a fulfilled life

What course of action will the antagonist pursue to achieve his goals?

Torturing Titus through debilitation, humiliation and invalid status. Not being able to rely on himself, or have others rely on him, after being a captain of all things.

Why must the antagonist achieve this goal?

These disabilities were caused by scorned pirates, and so to preserve their bruised egos and to ruin him, his torture must succeed in ruining his life.

What does the protagonist want?

To see his family provided for, to be needed, to sail the seas once more.

What does the protagonist need to learn? What is his conflict? How does it conlifct with what the antagonist wants?

To be patient and learn to rely on others, he needs to learn to communicate instead of needing to do everything himself. 

The antagonist in it's essence is to stand in Titus' way and cause him to become more frustrated by his disabilities, and prevent him from being open minded to other options and to his daughter's abilities to look after herself and him.

What is the protagonist going to do in order to meet that need?

Listen and respect his daughter, and those that he counts as family around him.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

More bubble experimentation!

I also love these black bark and blood orange leaves, my favoured palette. This time I tried to protray what is behind the bubble, rather than a chrome ball reflecting.